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Kate Coulter

Kate Coulter

Director, Fairview Village Christian Counseling Center

Kate thanks God every day for one thing or another. Between the gift of her 30 year relationship and marriage to her husband, Patrick, and her two grown sons, Shawn and Aiden, she has a lot to be thankful for! Kate was raised as a Christian and knew that counseling was a gift given to her by God at a young age. She spent 8 years in a private counseling practice, 17 years as a school counselor, and the past few years in school administration, supervising all of the mental health staff in a local school district. What a blessing that Kate found Fairview Village Church for her and her family's spiritual life, and that Fairview Village Church found Kate to help direct the Counseling Center. She couldn't be happier to be involved in bringing Jesus into our positive mental health and emotional well-being!