Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I will be with you until the end of the age.
Matthew 28:19-20
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Work & Witness Handbook
El Progreso Church & Child Development Center
El Progreso is a community outside of Panama City. The Village is currently involved with El Progreso’s Child Development Center where children come for a hot meal, tutoring, Christian education, and a bi-monthly health checkup.
Dominican Republic (DR)
Child Development Centers
The Village continues to stay connected and support Child Development Centers in Rancho Arriba, and Nagua, D.R. Teams travel periodically to help perform maintenance and Vacation Bible Schools.
Christi Whitekettle
Christi works with Azizi Life to partner with people in rural Rwanda who are working to rise from poverty through their own ideas, work, local resources and initiative.
Claire Amico
Claire is serving at The Amazima School in Jinja, Uganda as an Upper Elementary and Secondary teacher at the Amazima Staff Children’s School.
Missions Organizations
Additionally Supported Missions Ministries
Through child sponsorships, clean water initiatives, support of local compassionate ministries, and student outreaches, The Village is involved both locally and nationally to share the love of Christ.
Faith Promise
We set aside one weekend per year, usually held at the beginning of February, to hear about lives that have been changed through Faith Promise. We focus on the impact of world evangelism and the new opportunities developed to reach people groups locally and globally with the message of Jesus Christ.