Current Series

Get In The Game

In this series, we're diving deep into the transformative power of salvation through captivating stories from real lives. But this series isn't just about recounting remarkable stories; it's about equipping each member of our community to become a player in the game of spreading the good news. Alongside these powerful testimonies, we'll provide practical tools and strategies for sharing the gospel effectively in our everyday lives. Whether you're a seasoned believer or just beginning your journey of faith, "Get in the Game" will empower you to confidently engage with others and share the hope that has transformed your own life. Join us as we embark on this journey of inspiration, empowerment, and transformation. Let's get in the game together and become catalysts for change in our world!

God of Creation

God chooses to reveal Himself to humanity through both His word and His world. The skies declare His glory and the ground produces life only by His grace. Join us for this series as we examine scripture that illustrates the immensity, intelligence, intricacy, and intimacy of our Creator!

Retro Healing

The Old Testament is filled with stories of faith, hope, triumph and healing. In this series, we will look to the Old Testament for stories of healing that can bring hope and encouragement to us in our faith walk with Christ.

Victorious Secrets

In our Christian journey, we develop our faith over time. Spiritual disciplines are habits, practices, and experiences designed to help grow and strengthen certain qualities of spirit — to build one’s character and expand the breadth of one’s inner life. Some spiritual disciplines are personal, inward exercises that are practiced alone; others require interpersonal relationships and are practiced in community. This series will take a deeper dive into how we can become victorious in developing our relationship with God

Body Language

God made you an individual - with unique talents and traits - because He has a special role for you within His church. As counterintuitive as it may sound, your individuality is best expressed in community. Your uniqueness isn't just for you. In fact, Jesus said that you'll find the most meaning in your individual life when you pour it out in service to His movement (Matthew 10:39). Our culture, on the other hand, has created an atmosphere of consumerism where everyone's default question is, "What's in it for me?" That atmosphere threatens how we best function as the church.

During this series we're going to challenge the individualistic approach to church. In both our teaching series and connect groups, we will explore the Spirit's plan for unity through diversity

Reconciliation Over Rhetoric

This two-week series will explore the way Scripture addresses conflict, divisive issues, and the hope of the gospel to bring reconciliation and healing to tense or broken relationships. Rather than avoiding difficult topics entirely or fueling the flames of controversy, Christians have the option of faithful engagement. 

What Would Jesus Undo?

In the New Year,  many of us set goals for things that we will "do" in the coming year. In this series, we will explore the habits that we should "undo"! In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said that we should undo some of the prevailing mindsets, behaviors and interactions that keeps us separated from Him and others.

The _____ That Stole Christmas

When we think of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ we realize that it did something for us. It empowered us to be instruments of change and transformation in the lives of others because Jesus did that same thing for us, however, we sometimes keep things that God delivered us from. As we enter this Advent season, let us be reminded that whatever has been stolen from us, God is, behind-the -scenes, ready to repair us and bring us into a newness of life.

Four Words (To Get You Unstuck)

In life,  we can often feel “stuck in a rut” for various reasons. Sometimes, life is so overwhelming that you become immobilized. Sometimes it’s just the same boring routine over and over.  Then there are times you  just don’t feel like moving forward!  In the same way, we can find ourselves “stuck in a rut” spiritually. This series explores four words that will help us to move forward in our relationship with Jesus!

When Anxiety Attacks

There is a prevailing sense of anxiety in the world around us, particularly in these last few years.  For many people anxiety is a daily and personal struggle. Thankfully, the Bible isn’t silent about this topic.  This four-week sermon series and connect group study will help us face the anxieties of life with the truth of the Word of God and the spiritual and practical applications it provides us today! Invite someone to join you for this teaching series, and/or participate in one of the connect group studies!


No Offense

We can become so easily offended, and sad to say....Christians can be some of the most easily offended! This should not be since we have the key to unlocking the answers to the questions of how to handle situations, conversation and people. This series will give us Biblical strategies on how NOT to be offended

Life's A Beach

In this series, we will be looking at stories from the Bible that take place on a shore or beach setting. These stories remind us that life is good and help us have confidence that God’s got us! Series runs August 7th - August 28th.