This Lent, as we journey toward Easter, we invite you to join a teaching series centered on the heart of our Good Shepherd and His deep desire for us to live life, not just without lack, but to overflowing! Together, we’ll uncover what it truly means to see and believe—to hold a faith that transforms our lives.
Lent is a period of forty days lasting from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday. It is traditionally understood as a time of fasting and repentance; commemorating Jesus' fasting in the wilderness, which anticipated the beginning of his public ministry. During the season of Lent, we learn to rely on Christ for all our deepest needs.
Have you ever noticed the constant concern of our society about different topics and how quickly they can change? In this series we focus on four hot topics picked by our congregation to learn about how to process and respond as the Kingdom of God to the ever-changing concerns of our society. Join us in the month of January as we tackle some tough topics!
Sermon Topics by Date: Jan 7th - What is Israel's role in the End Times? Jan 14th - What does the Bible say about identity and sexuality? Jan 21st - What does the Bible say about living by the power of the Holy Spirit? Jan 28th - What does the Bible say about mental health?
One characteristic that we never talk about in the Nativity story is just how messy were the lives of the individuals involved! In our series ChristMess, we focus on the parallels from the messiness of the family in the Christmas story to the messiness in our own lives, and find hope with Christ in the center of it all!
The idea of giving and getting is not a foreign concept for most people. However, as the church, we are called into generosity by God. When we learn to employ consistent giving in our lives we place God first. Only then do we learn what real blessings look like in our lives.
The Bible reveals 5 key principles to have the life you long for and the relationships God wants for you! The principles are based on The Great Commandment and The Great Commission.Over 5 weeks in October, we will explore how loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, loving our neighbors as ourselves, and going out into all the world making disciples is the strategy for a winning life!
The weekly teaching and connect group studies will help you live out the 5 key principles: 1. You can't do life alone. 2. Growing people change. 3. Saved people serve people. 4. Found people find people. 5. Worship is a lifestyle.
The big question this time of year for Eagle’s fans is, who will be the “Beast of the East”? Throughout scripture, there are exciting stories of people slaying giants, military commanders accomplishing the impossible, common shepherds (cowboys) rising above their station in life, and the strength and magnificence of the eagle displayed. Follow along with us in this series as we hear about the real King of the East and what He can do through you!
God's word is powerful and effective. But what happens when we misuse, misapply or misunderstand God's word? When we use it ineffectively it becomes unhelpful and leaves us disappointed. This month we will examine some of the most misapplied verses in the scripture.
God chooses to reveal Himself to humanity through both His word and His world. The skies declare His glory and the ground produces life only by His grace. Join us for this series as we examine scripture that illustrates the immensity, intelligence, intricacy, and intimacy of our Creator!
The Old Testament is filled with stories of faith, hope, triumph and healing. In this series, we will look to the Old Testament for stories of healing that can bring hope and encouragement to us in our faith walk with Christ.
In our Christian journey, we develop our faith over time. Spiritual disciplines are habits, practices, and experiences designed to help grow and strengthen certain qualities of spirit — to build one’s character and expand the breadth of one’s inner life. Some spiritual disciplines are personal, inward exercises that are practiced alone; others require interpersonal relationships and are practiced in community. This series will take a deeper dive into how we can become victorious in developing our relationship with God
God made you an individual - with unique talents and traits - because He has a special role for you within His church. As counterintuitive as it may sound, your individuality is best expressed in community. Your uniqueness isn't just for you. In fact, Jesus said that you'll find the most meaning in your individual life when you pour it out in service to His movement (Matthew 10:39). Our culture, on the other hand, has created an atmosphere of consumerism where everyone's default question is, "What's in it for me?" That atmosphere threatens how we best function as the church.
During this series we're going to challenge the individualistic approach to church. In both our teaching series and connect groups, we will explore the Spirit's plan for unity through diversity
This two-week series will explore the way Scripture addresses conflict, divisive issues, and the hope of the gospel to bring reconciliation and healing to tense or broken relationships. Rather than avoiding difficult topics entirely or fueling the flames of controversy, Christians have the option of faithful engagement.