Current Series

Get In The Game

In this series, we're diving deep into the transformative power of salvation through captivating stories from real lives. But this series isn't just about recounting remarkable stories; it's about equipping each member of our community to become a player in the game of spreading the good news. Alongside these powerful testimonies, we'll provide practical tools and strategies for sharing the gospel effectively in our everyday lives. Whether you're a seasoned believer or just beginning your journey of faith, "Get in the Game" will empower you to confidently engage with others and share the hope that has transformed your own life. Join us as we embark on this journey of inspiration, empowerment, and transformation. Let's get in the game together and become catalysts for change in our world!


We know who Jesus is and what He did for us, but do we really *know* Him? This series will tell the story of Jesus and some of the many reasons why He is a big deal. We will find out more on what His actions of long ago mean to us personally in these modern times. This series will see us through creation, His life, His death-burial-resurrection and His return when He comes back to redeem it all! Jesus was and is amazing and HIStory needs to be told again as a reminder to those who know Him and an introduction to those who don’t. Join us for this captivating series!

Not Forsaken

We all long for our father’s approval. Whether our earthly fathers were the best, the worst, or somewhere in between, they fell short. All fathers do. And whatever our experience was, we’re not alone. No matter how amazing, absent, abusive, or empowering our fathers were, they couldn’t hand down a perfect blessing to us. No father can. Yet the primary way Scripture reveals God to us is as a Father. In this churchwide sermon series, Not Forsaken, based on the book by the same name by Louie Giglio, we will be introduced to the breakthrough possibility that regardless of life’s circumstances, a perfect father-to-child relationship can be ours when we follow God through Jesus Christ.


InSignificant Others; No Invisible People

One of the most common desires of the human heart is to know and be known. We want to be understood, to feel significant, and to feel like we matter. This teaching series explores how true significance is cultivated, and where we go wrong with ourselves and others, using the life of Zacchaeus as our biblical foundation. We are each uniquely significant to Jesus. When that truth is allowed to penetrate who we are, it frees us to see others with the same value favored upon us.


Over 2,000 years ago the world waited in darkness for Emmanuel to arrive in human flesh. Today we wait for Him to return and complete His mission. All worthwhile transformations, including those in our own lives, require a period of waiting, maturing, and surrendering before the fulfillment of God's promises can be revealed. This Advent series journeys through the Scripture revealing the behind-the-scenes preparation taking place in the lives of those who live for God during necessary times of waiting.

No Shave November

God created all of us with and for a purpose. In this series, we'll look at and learn from the life of Samson, and the power of God-given gifts. Samson was given great gifts that he squandered through disobedience. Because of redemption and rebirth available from God, however, Samson's story reveals what can happen when we surrender to our purpose and lean into the opportunities God brings our way. 

Christians in the Age of Outrage

Are you tired of reading news stories about Christians acting their worst? There seems to be too many examples of those claiming to follow Christ being caustic, divisive, and irrational, which contributes to the Christian faith being dismissed as hypocritical, self-interested, and politically co-opted. What has happened in our society? It seems one short outrageous video or pithy post - whether true or not - can trigger an avalanche of comments on social media. In this 6-week teaching series, take a deep dive with us into what it could look like if Christians lived at their best. How might our world and our communities be different? Join us as we explore what it means to represent the love of Jesus Christ in this new polarized age.

Job: Wise Words for Tough Days

In this teaching series, Job: Wise Words for Tough Times, discover how faithfulness to God during times of suffering can bring about the greatest blessings we can imagine. On many levels, Job's story can speak to every person's experience through trials, testing, and hoped-for victory in the end. Together, we'll learn about God's sovereignty, what faithfulness looks like, and what foundational truths are necessary to weather any storm.

Faith > Fear

The Spring of 2020 changed life as we always knew it. No longer able to gather in person due to physical distancing, the speed of changes in our virtual engagement with each other accelerated and living outside our comfort zone became the norm. This season stretched us and challenged us to place our faith over our fears.

The Grave Robber

Our impossible situations are God’s greatest opportunity to reveal His glory. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that God can move in miraculous ways in our day-in and day-out lives because it’s hard to see past our problems. Our seemingly impossible situations can double as God’s greatest opportunity to reveal His glory to us. Let this teaching series be a reminder that no matter how big the problem is, God is bigger still.

Home Wreckers

The family structure is the cornerstone of society, and when that structure is under attack, the consequences are more far-reaching than we can imagine. Through biblical case studies of families in crisis and families that flourished, we will learn spiritual and practical principles for bringing hope, help and healing to our families so they can be even stronger and more resilient…all to the glory of God!

Intentional Christmas

When we think of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we realize that it did something for us. It brought us out of darkness into the light, it empowered us to be instruments of change and transformation in the lives of others because Jesus did that same thing for us, and it makes eternity with Him available to us. During the Advent season, let us be reminded that we are instruments in His hands and should be prepared for His use! 

Killing Kryptonite

There is a force—called spiritual kryptonite—that frustrates and fatigues many Christians as they try time and again to live victoriously for Christ. In Killing Kryptonite, we expose the root of kryptonite, explore what gives it strength, and discover God’s prescription to destroy it. We are meant to have a vibrant, powerful faith that impacts the world around us. But first, we have to face off with spiritual kryptonite. This sermon series is not for the faint of heart. But, if you’re ready to embrace a journey of radical transformation, this teaching is for you.