Current Series

Get In The Game

In this series, we're diving deep into the transformative power of salvation through captivating stories from real lives. But this series isn't just about recounting remarkable stories; it's about equipping each member of our community to become a player in the game of spreading the good news. Alongside these powerful testimonies, we'll provide practical tools and strategies for sharing the gospel effectively in our everyday lives. Whether you're a seasoned believer or just beginning your journey of faith, "Get in the Game" will empower you to confidently engage with others and share the hope that has transformed your own life. Join us as we embark on this journey of inspiration, empowerment, and transformation. Let's get in the game together and become catalysts for change in our world!


The periodic table is a tabular arrangement of the chemical elements, ordered by their atomic number, electron configurations, and recurring chemical properties. The table is useful for modern students and scientists because it helps predict the types of chemical reactions that are likely for an element. In this teaching series, we will use the periodic table as a framework to take a deep dive into the foundational “elements” of our faith as a way to illustrate that we can predict the outcome when we place our faith in God!


We are living in a time where we can feel rejected for so many different reasons. Did you know that Jesus was rejected too? When it happened to Him, it was always based on something people desired for themselves or expected from Him but did not believe they received. They wanted to keep their possessions, or not extend help to the needy, or maintain their position in society, or they didn’t want to pay the price of following Him...


During this Lent season, we will learn about the different feasts the Israelites participated in on a regular basis to celebrate who God is and what He was doing in their lives. As we observe how the Israelites celebrated, we too can learn how to develop healthy rhythms in our lives of celebration that connect us to God.

Love Songs

In this series, we will be talking about love inside and outside of the context of marriage; a narrative journey talking about love using songs! Oftentimes, messages from the world creep in when we think about love. Throughout this series, we want to examine these messages, and identify where they originate, so that our love can be intentionally molded and formed by God’s word.

Let's Talk: Stigmas in the Church

In this four-week series as we tackle a different social stigma each week. God offers believers healing and hope instead of condemnation as they struggle with mental health, physical health, singleness, infertility, aging, etc. Scripture guides our understanding of how to live and serve despite the stigmas that sometimes surround our realities.

Manger Things

It was a wooden feeding trough . . . simply a manger, until God in the flesh was placed in it. The manger then became a filled vessel that helped transform the world. This Christmas, be the manger in which God was laid!  Join us as we investigate how to be Christ’s vessel in today’s world!

God is generous to US so that we may be generous to others. His generosity isn’t supposed to land and stop on us, it is supposed to flow through us! This series will serve as a reminder that we are not just supposed to get excited about the generosity that we receive, rather, we should be just as excited about the generosity we can give. How are we going to live into God’s generosity in our world? Join us for this series to find out the answer.

Highway to Hell

This four-week series, based on the book The Unsaved Christian by Dean Inserra, will help Christians cultivate a deeper understanding of cultural Christianity. It will challenge listeners to dig deep into their commitment to Christ, and verify what it means to be a  Christian, while also helping believers understand how to witness to cultural Christians.

With All Due Respect

This series is a challenge against legalism. In the case study that is the focus of this series, Jesus is responding to the Pharisee who is surprised that Jesus did not wash His hands. But Jesus recognizes that washing the hands was a small part of an overall systemic issue of legalism, which is damaging to the community and to God’s people who desperately try to follow the rules and fall into despair when they fall short. This series is about how to find freedom from legalism and flourish in your relationship with Christ.

We Are

The vision of our Church is to point people to Christ, and we do this through our 3C mission: Celebrate, Connect, and Care. In this series, we will take a deep dive into these core, anchor values and illustrate how these same principles - when also applied to our everyday lives - can enable each one of us to impact the world for the cause of Christ.

Junk In the Trunk

“Junk” is clutter that is not supposed to be in a particular place. At one time or another, we may have carried all manner of junk with us. In this series, we will follow the Children of Israel on their journey and learn what caused them to get off track. We will learn how to clear out the clutter – remove the junk - in our lives so that we can make room to see and hear God in ways we may have never experienced before.

Weird. Because Normal Isn't Working

“The last shall be first and the first shall be last." “In order to be rich give everything away." "In order to live you must die to yourself." “Esteem others better than yourself." When you think about it, these may sound “weird." But these are the very principles from Scripture that teach us what is means to have an abundant Christian life. This sermon series will explore some of the things Christians do that may seem “weird," because the “normal” way didn’t work for us. We will journey together through a deeply personal journey that will help take the focus off of ourselves and what we think we need, and point us even the more to Christ and what we know we need from Him.